Starscope Monocular HIGHLIGHTS
The optical instrument every outdoor lover needs. Designed by the finest engineering, Starscope Monocular helps you see for miles with precision and depth for an experience that enhances wildlife and nature. Enjoy the best view and amazing pictures.- Super sharp and
super clear photos - Always with you. No bulky, heavy lenses to carry
- Enjoy while camping, hiking or adventuring
- Perfect travel gear! You don’t need anything else!

Enhances Camera
- Lens: Fully Multi-Coated (FMC), Green
- Built-in compass
- Hands-free with tripod socket
- Objective Diameter: 50mm
- Exit Pupil Diameter: 3mm
- Magnification: 10x fully multi-coated lenses and HD glass
- Eye Relief: 20mm
- Field of View: 114/1100m
- Streamlined design, anti-skid frosted sure-grip
- Prism Type: BAK4 (same as $1,000 binoculars)
- Weight: 320 g
- Color: Black
- Material: Advanced polymers
Enhances Camera
- Objective Diameter: 50mm
- Exit Pupil Diameter: 3mm
- Magnification: 10x fully multi-coated lenses and HD glass
- Lens: Fully Multi-Coated (FMC), Green
- Eye Relief: 20mm
- Field of View: 114/1100m
- Streamlined design, anti-skid frosted sure-grip
- Prism Type: BAK4 (same as $1,000 binoculars)
- Built-in compass
- Hands-free with tripod socket
- Weight: 320 g
- Color: Black
- Material: Advanced polymers
- Objective Diameter: 50mm
- Exit Pupil Diameter: 3mm
- Magnification: 10x
fully multi-coated
lenses and HD glass - Lens: Fully
(FMC), Green - Eye Relief: 20mm
- Field of View:
- Built-in compass
- Hands-free with tripod socket
Enhances Camera
- Streamlined design,
anti-skid frosted sure-grip - Prism Type: BAK4 (same as $1,000 binoculars)
- Weight: 320 g
- Color: Black
- Material: Advanced polymers

The Starscope Monocular will create a new world of optimal viewing in the outdoors. From hunting to camping, this device will create a virtual experience that will keep you coming back for more. You can't experience what nature has to offer if you don't have Starscope Monocular. Every plant, building, and bird will be so close, you'll feel as if it's within an arms-reach, even if it's miles away.

Watch sporting events with the Starscope Monocular telescope and cheer for your favorite team as if you were right on the field with them. For once, the players on the field won’t look like tiny little ants even if your seats are in the nosebleeds. Be in the game with your favorite athletes and make their win your win!

This is the device you need! It's small, compact and light-weight so you can take it with you anywhere and not have to worry about the big bulky feel that usually comes with other telescopic devices. Keep it in your pocket and pull it out at that special moment when a rare species of bird flies overhead!

Its waterproof and fog-proof technology make it the perfect companion to take when you are outdoors. It's scratch-resistant, which means you don't have to treat it like a delicate piece of equipment.

Jack Crandall - New York
I used to carry all my bulky, heavy camera gear with me on trips. I was afraid to leave them in my hotel room because they might get stolen. Now I take the Starscope Monocular with me, and I carry everything in my pocket!
2 days ago | Reply | Like

Amiri Ellens - Toronto
My photography professor clued me in on this lens! It’s small, but the quality is so high it takes better photos than my Nikon. I just put this in my bag wherever I go, and I can use my iPhone for amazing pictures!
4 days ago | Reply | Like

Hans Gottfried - Munich
I'm an engineering student. I know about the high-tech CAD/CAM equipment that the Starscope Monocular lens is made on. I can tell you that the precision and the sharpness of this monocular is as good or better than any lens made. And that includes to German optics like Zeiss.
6 days ago | Reply | Like

Hitoshi Yamamoto - Tokyo
I used the Starscope Monocular lens on an ocean voyage. Everyone else was fumbling around with heavy old-fashioned binoculars or giant telephoto lenses. I was able to see further and clearer with just my Starscope Monocular. Everyone tried it and wanted to buy one!
7 days ago | Reply | Like